Dear friends, today we are going to introduce you an amazing product – TANDOOR🔥🔥🔥

A tandoor also known as tannour is a cylindrical and curve inward toward the top to concentrate the heat clay or metal oven used in cooking and baking 👩🏻🍳
These kinds of ovens are used throughout the Middle East, India, Pakistan, Southern, Central, and Western Asia, and also China 🌎
They can be large and permanent structures as well as small and portable ovens that can be carried from place to place. But even small sized tandoor is pretty heavy – around 270-300 lb!
The heat for a tandoor was traditionally generated by a charcoal or wood fire, burning within the tandoor itself, thus exposing the food to live fire, radiant heat cooking, and hot-air, convection cooking, and smoking in the fat and food juices that drip on to the charcoal. A fire is built in the bottom, which heats both the walls of the oven and the air inside up to 900° F 🔥 So, usually the fire is allowed to die down to coals before cooking. It is good to know that that the temperature remains consistent while food is cooked.